Behavioral Styles
(DiSC Diagnostic)

Course Type: Training Course

The DiSC Diagnostic process results in a comprehensive personal profile with a shelf-life of 1-3 years. The course drives an introspection on behavioral tendencies and preferences; it provides practical insights into social awareness and behavioral impact in teams and relationships. Participant use the DiSC profile as a tool to manage tension, navigate difficult conversations, and raise self-awareness in normal and abnormal conditions.


  • To develop self-awareness on your own behavioral tendencies and preferences through the DiSC Diagnostic

  • To develop expertise on identifying behaviors and traits in normal conditions

  • To develop a set of behavioral tools to adapt to colleagues and enrich connections in relationships


  • Training on fundamentals of behaviors versus traits

  • Personal DiSC Profile results and facilitation

  • Group activity and practical insights for adapting to others versus influencing others

  • Ongoing analysis of behavior pattern development